It sometimes fails to extract without warning except in log file! Of the 4 driver installs I did, 2 immediately failed with "cannot find the file specified" error in log file. The driver install extraction process is unreliable. Open file: C:\ProgramData\Dell\UpdatePackage\Log\Dell Touchpad Driver.txt (DupAPI::ExecutePayload): *** An unexpected error occured executing Setup.exe System error text = The system cannot find the file specified. (DupAPI::Execute): *** Shell Execute Error. Path : C:\ProgramData\dell\drivers\Dell Touchpad Driver Translated Command Line : Setup.exe /v"LOGFILE=C:\ProgramData\dell\drivers\Dell Touchpad Driver\DUPD41.tmp" Temporary payload log file name: C:\ProgramData\dell\drivers\Dell Touchpad Driver\DUPD41.tmp Language Compatible with this Package? Yes Local System/Model Compatible with this Package? Yes DUP Capabilities Value: 6291455 (0x5FFFFF) there is no folder created when looking what is in log file. In 'original' destination folder C:\ProgramData\. When I try to extract driver, instead install it, in destination folder there is no file.

Vga driver did not finished successfully. Install Win 8.1, downloaded drivers from dell site using service tag, and started with installation.