Sumo wrestling isn't a sport that many combat games developers choose to make simulations of. On seconds thoughts, that might take away the simplistic magic of Sumotori Dreams, which is a charming little game. In English V 1.02 3.7 (4594) Security Status Free Download for Windows Softonic review Bizarre, yet gripping 3D sumo game Sumotori Dream is a Windows sumo wrestling game starring giant robots. Perhaps in a future release they could add different fighters with different special abilities.

Playing Sumotori Dreams gave me the biggest laugh I've had from a game in ages, and it's hard to fault it all. Oh, and there's an awesome hidden game mode lurking inside Sumotori Dreams (I'll leave it to you to discover it, though). There's even a two player mode where you and a pal can tough it out on the same keyboard. Sumotori Dreams Free Download + 40 Mod's Map Mathrix H.D 15 subscribers Subscribe 42 Share Save 13K views 9 years ago Sumotori Dreams Free Download + 40 Mod's Map Subscribe and Vote Like. This is particularly hard to believe given the slickness of the animation, the realistic game physics, the uber-cool lounge music soundtrack, and the various lighting options you can choose between. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Incredibly, Sumotori Dreams weighs in at just 96Kb in size. DA: 15 PA: 6 MOZ Rank: 21 Sumotori Dreams HUGE Map Mod Code - is the number one paste tool since 2002. You score a point for each knock down and the first to five points is declared the winner. The key when you play Sumotori Dreams seems to be to get in early and push the other fighter before you inevitably topple over yourself.